Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Revising notes

I looked ahead and notice that I have much work to do on the ending of Cerel Gold but after doing a rough first draft, I decided to do some mass revisions and fixes, like global replaces on words I always type wrong like "perhpas". Over time I've also noticed a few constructions I overuse and use wrong so i start doing find with variable replacements:

I’ve mostly cured myself of “there are” constructions, but I still over use “that had”, partly as a defense against the tendency to try to eliminate “that” from the English language. It can be over used, and I understand the wish to remove doubles, even though we say such phrases as 'that that' and 'had had' frequently in normal speech. Still, to eliminate 'that' entirely is usually to make sentences grammatically wrong as well as unclear. Ny find function showed that I had used “that had” way too many times even if grammatically correct. So I rephrased maybe half or two thirds to make better, and often shorter sentences, always good when the work is already well over 100000 words.

For the benefit of others who may have similar problems, I provide here some of the kinds of fixes I applied:

Replacing "that had' with "who had" when it refered back to a person rather than a thing. it at least adds variety and maybe clarity.

Condencing with a better word/phrase: replace "displacing all that had come between" with "displacing everything between"

replace "drinks that had been sent" with "drinks sent"

reversing the primary and description and turning the description into something of an adjective: "bedding that had gone unused" becomes "unused bedding"

Any revision and editing tips you would care to share?

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