Tuesday, March 2, 2010

tension and dialog

Cerel is obviously heavy in dialog, probably too much so, but for this draft it's a good way to practice dialog and making it interesting. The scene just posted went through a lot of revision, going from a tame dialog to an expression of tense emotions, weariness, arguments, changing perceptions. At least that was what I was aiming for, though it's hard to ever be sure that readers see what I tried to present. I suspect I still need to work on some of the word choices. What words make a sentence sarcastic or angry rather than merely factual? It's not something I've ever found guidance for. Mostly I've done it through side comments and physical actions, although I want to do more of that, too. Anger through shorter sentences is one of the few "rules" I know. Terse, less philosophical content in an argument, but what if the argument is philosophical in nature? And each character has their own speach patterns, though sometimes I'm not sure even I could define them well unless I've exaggerated them. How does the pattern change for accusation, anger, weariness... I've made some stabs at all of them here. Does it work?

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