Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Quilting notes continued

I'm still working on the wedding quilt top. Breaking up sections of mixed fall colors with a band of pale fabric worked nicely, then great big blocks with simple triangle dags. They wouldn't make a great border because they are so much bigger than the patterns and blocks in the center section, but they should make a reasonable edge around the top of the bed, and then the last layer, with another light border before and after, will be smaller pieces in bars on the sides and top and bottom. Those small pieces and mixed colors will be more like the center section again and pull the whole together inside and out. At least that's the theory. The smaller pieces also allow me to mix in more fabrics in small quantities without the uniqueness of them being obvious and making them out of place. Because it's a wedding quilt, that outer border will have some satin and some baby flannels with little footprints and rubber duckies besides more fall colors.

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