Friday, April 1, 2011

First Born on Fiction Friday

Fiction Friday challenges/prompts have tended to the contemporary, not always useful for science fiction and fantasy. I've occasionally made an attempt at contemporary stories for the challenge but rarely been pleased with the results. Today's prompt is (a longer version of essentially) famous people and the unusual name of their new baby. Well, the future and aliens have famous people and naming issues, too, so...

"You can't be serious, Kakkemoralin. Your father's name? He's a farmer. 'Jorlie' is the ultimate farmer's name," Jolo said with a chuckle, then rocked back on her nest to stroke the long blue egg beneath her. "Don't worry my precious, hes not serious."

"It was my name, too, and I'm no farmer," Kakkemoralin said, with a jaunty lift of his cockaded head. He straightened a nest twig, preened a colorful wing.

"You changed your name for a reason. If you must go with fathers, go with mine. Hafferolibin Nabarakkel, or Grandfather's name. Smorsa Inthicallicum," Jolo suggested, rolling the egg over before she settled back into place. She smoothed her shawl over her delightfully round belly, to be sure the smooth curve of it was obvious. One never knew when the newsies might peak over the nest box and grab a photo op of a starlet mom.

"You just want a two-part name because it will make him sound like a wide continental."

"We're on the Wide Continent, now. Wideway is the place for stage stars, after all. He should have a name that fits," Kekkemoralin argued lightly.

"Fine, then we'll combine them all, and my Grandfather's, too, Thallam. Take the first letters of each."

"You must be joking. It will be a nonsense name. He'll be a laughing stock."

"It's that or Jorlie. We can still make it a two-part name and everyone will know he belongs on Wideway or Sacredhill."

Jolo sighed, trying not to distort her face too strongly as she frowned over the notion. It could make for hideous photos, and the two of them, sitting together in their nest box should only be a beautiful sight. Besides, she had to admit it would at least be a unique name. No one else would ever have come up with such a combination of letters and think of it as a name. "Okay."

"John Smith it is," Kekkamoralin said with another shake of his proud cockade.

See for other responses to the challenge

1 comment:

  1. I like the odd naming idea with John Smith after all the unique names up until the end. I can see the idea of odd names getting to the point where John Smith is the oddest name. Fun story.
