Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I've posted another scene for Cerelian Gold, just below this on the main view. it occurred to me as I set the categories that readers might be curious about the particular categories I've set up, especially as multiple ones are about Cerelian Gold. Those, save the main one with the book scenes, are mostly a subset of scenes duplicated and are mostly for my purposes, though others might find them interesting too, in their sets. I separated out groups that I want to do something more with. One is the food references. I like to play with cooking, including subtleties, and thought I would make a little cookbook to go with the book, reflective of the food that appears in the story (including the horrible pink meat, and the pie with Jerdy's eyes, which I have designed recipis for (without real eyeballs, though I gather there might be recipies out there for that, too, somewhere...). Another is the Nish doctor. It is kind of a subplot of its own but I wasn't sure I had his name even spelled the same everywhere, so it was hard to scan through and make sure that story progressed properly, so I duplicated those scenes to it's own category for purposes of revision later, and I thought some readers might find it interesting to look at it separated from its context in the main book as it unfolds. Bikjni is to remind me what I've said about the game and to help me make sure the rules are consistant. I've never invented a game before and it's a complicated process. However did they come up with chess?!

The non-Cerel categories: whims. I enjoy writing lots of things, including advice, but I have few people around who need any of the advice I'd offer, even if I weren't an amateur at most of them. But queries being what they are, maybe someone looking for advice or just views on some topic will find mine and find it useful, the better if they can sort the ones they want from the other topics here. Besides, I plan to keep going (I'm still considering what story to work on after Cerelian Gold comes to its conclusion) and all these accumulated posts need some mechanism to keep them in a bit of order. Suggestions on the organization and content are as welcome as feedback on the story.

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