Saturday, June 5, 2010


I haven't been posting as many non-Cerel posts as I have intended. I haven't edited much on the last several scenes, so I didn't have that immediate topic ready to hand. I have several blog topics from notes on my recent trip but havne't typed them up yet, still, I have a few things to say.

I've sent out copies of the whole Cerel novel to a couple of people and started to get feedback. Most of it hasn't been a surprise: there are certain elements of the story that have a certain repetitive flavor. Even if the events need to occur, they should always be different enough not to be mistaken for another similar scene elsewhere or when in the story. Even the possibility of repetition means that some aspect of the story, the characters, the plot, the emotional tension has not progressed as much as it should have. Some repetition has value, but not whole scenes, only themes, phrases. Or if scenes, then a distinct difference that changes the whole flavor and gives a special meaning to the repetition. Mine wasn't that, or at least not enough that and I'll have to work on it.

I think I may have a similar problem with the story on my other blog. I have two visitors to the pirate ship and the course of the visits if not the characters goes very similarly. No point in that as it doesn't expand the reader's understanding of anything and doesn't sufficiently make progress on the story.

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